slide tackle

Everything to Know About the Slide Tackle in Soccer

Soccer players can make many dramatic moves. A slide tackle is perhaps one of the most fascinating and complex soccer moves. Defenders who use slide tackles effectively are incredible players. As dramatic and flashy as a slide tackle is, it’s, however, one of the riskiest soccer moves. Some football leagues even prohibit it. Let’s look at slide tackle in this post, namely its definition and the safest ways for defenders to execute slide tackles as defensive options.

What Does a Slide Tackle Mean in Soccer?

A slide tackle is a soccer move that defenders use to counter their opponents. To execute this action, the defending player runs alongside the attacker, slides on the ground close to the attacker, and extends one leg to kick away the ball from the opponent. The defender usually tucks back one leg while they go into a slide. Slide-tackling aims to clear the ball away from an attacker without making a foul.

Why Do Players Use the Slide Tackle During Football Matches?

Soccer defenders use the slide tackling move to help them cover more ground within a short duration during soccer matches. Players can resort to sliding tackling when they cannot catch up with their opponents and possess the ball, typically because the opponents are extremely fast or highly skilled.

Slide tackling helps a defender get near the ball and counter a scoring attempt from an attacker. The move also allows defenders to interrupt passing opportunities that lead to goals. Defenders can execute slide tackles effectively to slow down their opponents’ momentum during a match. Slide tackling can also help a losing team regain ball possession and dominate their rivals.slide tackle

How to Slide Tackle

Slide tackling is among the soccer moves that require a high level of skill and precision. It’s no wonder slide-tackling is the riskiest soccer tackling option. Only experienced defenders can safely and effectively execute the move.

Despite the risky nature of slide tackling, you can make an incredible display of talent if you properly utilize the move. Kindly read this guide on slide tackling to get a couple of tips on how to slide tackle properly, keeping in mind that you will need many days to perfect the tackling move.

Run Alongside the Opponent

The perfect time for slide tackling is when you, as the defending player, chase the ball next to the opponent. Being in this position allows you to tackle the opponent from the front. It will enable you to attack the opponent while approaching them instead of attacking them from behind. Defenders shouldn’t tackle their opponents from behind since it’s illegal in soccer and can result in red cards and penalties.

Have Your Eyes Fixed on the Ball

Having your eyes always on the ball is essential when slide tackling because your opponent won’t quickly know your intentions. Defenders who keep their eyes fixed on the ball have better chances of taking it away from their opponents when slide tackling because they can notice an opportunity to take control.

Stretch the Leg Nearest to the Attacker

Every leg plays a role in slide tackling. The leg closest to the opponent should help you get up immediately after you execute the tackle. Keep this leg under the butt as you start your slide.slide tackle

Slide Using the Leg That’s Further From the Opponent

A well-executed slide tackle should be one coordinated motion that entails bending one leg while extending the other. Perform your slide tackle using the leg that is away from the opponent to slide on the ground and connect with the ball.

Keep the Cleats Down

The danger with slide tackling is that defenders can easily hit their opponents with the shoe cleats. Avoid making a slide tackle when your cleats are up, lest you injure your opponents. Performing a slide tackle when your shoe cleats are up can also earn you a penalty or red card.

Connect With the Ball

A slide tackle is legal when a defender takes the ball away from an opponent without injuring the player. Connect with the ball after delivering your slide tackle. The best spot to do so is at the ball’s center‌ or on the ball’s top half. Please don’t hit the ball too low because it will roll over the foot, making you lose control.

Pull the Extended Leg Outward

Getting up after connecting with the ball and kicking it away from an opponent is the trickiest bit of slide tackling. Pull the extended foot outward to help you get up on your feet and start dribbling the ball.slide tackle

Is Slide Tackling Legal?

Slide tackling in soccer is legal. Any soccer player, including the goalkeeper, can take a slide tackle during a match. FIFA doesn’t specify restrictions on slide tackling in its soccer rules. Unless you feel confident about executing a slide tackle successfully, you should refrain from attempting this move, especially within the penalty area. Slide tackling can be illegal if it amounts to injuring other players. Defenders who hurt other players while slide tackling can earn red cards or get disqualified from subsequent matches.

Downsides of Slide Tackling

Slide tackling can be highly effective for defenders seeking to keep skilled forwards at bay since the tactical move can allow a defender to move fast and counter a scoring forward. Nonetheless, slide tackling has a couple of downsides. First, a defender would be sacrificing their balance if they were to execute a slide tackle to stop a forward from scoring. Slide tackling also exposes a defender to the risk of injuring their opponents. Inexperienced defenders should avoid this move because it can work against opponents with superior soccer skills.

Inexperienced defenders can hurt themselves after losing balance or injure other players as they try to steal the ball away from them while slide tackling. Sprains and ankle ligament tears are some of the injuries emanating from poorly executed slide tackles. Knee and foot injuries are also common results of slide tackles, mainly when defenders cannot perform the move properly.

Furthermore, defenders can’t be sure that a slide tackle can work in their favor. The only thing that makes a slide tackle effective is if it can help a defender remove the ball from an attacker. However, the attacker may retain the ball if the defender doesn’t execute the tackle properly.

Final Word

Slide tackling is among the most sophisticated soccer tackles. Nonetheless, it is one of the most crucial defensive tackles at which every defender should be perfect, especially in competitive football leagues. If you want to rise to the top, hone your soccer skills by practicing slide tackles in your backyard until you perfect your game.

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